SIFCOL depuis 1964

Politique Qualité

Since 1964, SIFCOL has continuously endeavored to excel in the field of design, manufacture and marketing of adhesives and their derivatives. The mastery of our profession is demonstrated by the diversification of our product ranges to satisfy our customers in both the local and African markets.

Following the purpose, vision and mission stemming from our strategic orientation, the QSMS (Quality – Safety Management System) policy must require a service of high level of professionalism to create the credible image needed to promote trust with customers and stakeholders. It is in the spirit of respecting these challenges that the executive management is committed to guaranteeing continuous improvement of QSMS, satisfying its obligations of compliance with applicable requirements, eliminating hazards and reducing OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) risks, and guaranteeing worker consultation and participation.

Quality Policy Axes

All SIFCOL staff must be aware of their role in the constant quest for continuous improvement. This applies not only to the services provided to customers but also to the performance of professional practices and compliance with the objectives of this policy. The latter goes under the following axes:
  • Guaranteeing the effectiveness of the QSMS (Quality-Safety Management System) and ensuring the continuous improvement of quality and OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) performance through clear responsibilities and management focus,
  • Promoting staff awareness and consciousness
  • Providing safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses
  • Enhancing the safety of our staff and external stakeholders by preventing occupational hazards, pollution, personal injury, and damage to health.
  • Guaranteeing optimal productivity of our production units through operational control of planning and efficient maintenance of our equipment and infrastructure.
  • Ensuring the availability of products and services supplied by external service providers as well as maintaining and updating our sourcing database.
  • Assuring the quality of our products by implementing a dynamic research and development program and mastering QA (Quality Assurance) and QC (Quality Control) activities.
  • Increasing local and export market share by sustaining customer satisfaction and loyalty while meeting their expectations.
  • Ensuring the organization's financial sustainability by managing the budgeting of our investments and respecting our commitments to our stakeholders.
  • Developing staff skills, involvement and good professional practices.

Specific objectives are set to concretize the QSMS policy at SIFCOL and to provide a framework for establishing, reviewing and updating its objectives internally and vis-à-vis stakeholders during management reviews or, exceptionally, at the request of the executive management.